
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Легкий квест по Киеву на англ. языке

Hello people! Kyiv City Rally has begun!
You should visit all places, execute all tasks and collect maximum points.
Visiting each place – 10 points
Executing task - 10 points
Coming first to finish – 50 points
You may get extra points if:
· You will ask citizens to “lend” You 5 copeck coin – 10 points for every collected grivna by a change.
· You ask anybody about great Ukrainians – 2 points for the last name and name and sphere of activity
· You photo all command in each place – 1 point
Spend time merrily and interestingly!
Losers carry out the wishes of winners!
Be in hurry! Good luck!

First place: - Мариинка
Find blue palace in the trees,
It is not far – believe in this!
First task:
Make a locomotive using yourself  and other citizens.
2 extra points for each person not from your team.
Locomotive must pass all lamp-posts located in a 1 row.
Do the proper sounds of train.

Second place: - открытая сцена в мариинском парке
Funny place to dance and sing
You have never see such a thing.
If You want to get next page,
Run away to outdoors stage.
Make a performance – sing all together polish song

Third place: - стадион Динамо, за открытой сценой
Euro 2012 is coming soon.
Should it be somewhere on Moon?
Or may be Poland and Ukraine
Find a place for football game?
Scream all together your favourite football call.

Fourth place: - мост влюбленных
Love is bridge for any sides,
It behind you, besides.
Give a kiss to everyone from Your team.
Leave message to the next generation using graffiti method.

Fifth place: - музей воды
“Water is a Mother of Nature”,
It helps to continue adventure.
Find a place of concentration
About Water information.
Find answers (try to ask somebody):
What percent of water in body of:
·        man
·        elephant
·        butterfly
·        jelly-fish

Sixth place – Арка дружбы народов
Time to have a bit of rest,
Downstairs way will be the best.
Answer please:
How many stream crossing bridges there are in Kiev? спросить людей
How many different carrousels around You? - посчитать
How many footsteps You have passed?  - нужно ещё раз пройти ступень сверху вниз и посчитать

Seventh: - костел над украинским домом
Go down, then subway,
Europe square helps today,
Climb a hill and people ask,
Church You’ll find – get new task!
Today is 8 of March – International Women’s day!
So boys should carry girls from first bench to the last, with stops on each bench and saying tender words.

Eighth:  - Глобус с расстояниями до столиц
Cross McDonalds and fountains,
Find a globe with many arrows.
So how long was way in train,
Between Poland and Ukraine?

Ninth: - памятник Кию, Щеку, хориву, лыбедь
Who had found Kyiv-City?
If don’t know – it’s a pity.
Ask somebody who are they,
Where staying for this day?
Find out who founders of Kyiv are and why it named so.

Tenth – памятник Паниковскому напротив метро Крещатик
The same as street we have a metro station,
In front of it there is a hill.
A blind man dressed with old fashion,
He waiting there – it’s Your deal.
Make a wish.
Find out what is the sign on his left foot?

Eleventh: - Золотые ворота
Golden doors is higher, guys.
Find them or people ask.
Who that man with open eyes?
It is not Your main task=)
Find a pussy cat not far from place and saw what is wrong with it? не хватает птички
How many hands does Monument have?  - за памятником отпечатки 3 рук+2 руки у памятника

Twelfth: - посольство Поляцкое
And now you should find home,
Polish land I mean, You know!
Its not big, but near is,
Make a photo please, please, please!

ThirteenthДворик с воронами
Crows sitting in the cage,
Between houses in ours age!
It’s a nonsense everywhere!
Only Kyiv it can bear.

Fourteenth: - Софиевско-Михайловская площадь
Sophia and Michael love each other.
And both of them have golden domes.
They stay apart and not together.
Your aim is theirs homes.
Find playground and remind your childhood!
Everyone should use each of carousel!

Fifteenth: - министерство иностранных дел
Ministry is staying near
Come to it and You will hear
English language, Polish language,
It is not last but ending page!
Find a square of golden plate.

Sixteenth: - Андреевская церковь+спуск
Andrew – main part of the name,
Descent, church and even man.
Find out what famous Ukrainian film was made there and what is it idea?

Seventeenth: - Лесница наверх не далеко от музея Булгакова – просто красивый вид
Magic here everywhere,
Charmed are right and charmed are left.
Find a ladder like nightmare,
Climb up – as You are deft!
Find out why is house number 13 is famous for?

Eighteenth: - фонтан Самсона  на контрактовой
Strongman will bring you fresh and strength,
Where he just stay there game has end.
Make a wish and sing last song!

П.С. Рекомендую делать информ листы с фотками и информацией про основные достопримечательности

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